PAUL AKERS 4 Videos How far along is the construction industry in adopting Lean? 2:33 Why is it so important to embrace Lean principles? 1:41 Solving the problem of construction sites with sub contractors who have competing primary objectives 3:00 Do you have one or to ideas or suggestions 4:21 Video Transcriptions How far along […]
TED ANGELO 15 Videos How many year’s experience do you have in Lean? 1:25 How did you start your Lean journey? 3:11 What are people’s initial thoughts on being the last planner? 2:19 What do you do to onboard trade partners? 2:09 How much of a construction project’s revenue is allocated to trade partners? 0:48 […]
NICK LOUGHRIN 7 Videos Who is Nick Loughrin? 3:15 How far along the Lean journey is the construction industry? 2:07 What does it mean to have a Lean culture? 2:36 What one thing could all trade partners do to make the building process easier? 1:56 What values should be shared among all the trades on […]
ERIC LUSIS 13 Videos What is your overall view of Lean and how many years have you been doing it? 2:22 Tell us about Eric Lusis and what PCL is doing regarding Lean? 2:19 How far along the Lean journey is the construction industry? 1:09 How do you best align priorities of trade partners on […]
DAVID MACKAY 8 Videos Who is David MacKay, and what is Lean construction? 2:55 How far along are we on our Lean journey and how does this change happen? 2:31 What advice do you have for trade partners? 2:34 Where do trade partners start on their Lean journey? 2:05 Give us one success and one […]
HENRY NUTT 27 Videos What is the LCI Pioneer Award? 1:36 What can you do to be recognized as a leader? 2:08 What is the secret sauce to loving what you do? 2:43 What other Lean initiatives can we start with? 1:53 What would a negotiated agreement between trade partners look like? 1:54 What is […]
DAVE RAHE 16 Videos Who is Dave Rahe? 2:30 What influenced you to get into construction and what is your philosophy? 3:07 What does Lean mean to you and when did you first hear the word Lean? 3:28 What do you say to convince those around you to get Lean? 3:18 What does flow mean? […]
PERRY THOMPSON 22 Videos Why do P4 Planning? 2:53 What is P4 Planning? 4:51 What is the 1st P – Process? 4:35 What is involved in doing P2 – Pace? 2:11 How do we start this portion of the P4 process? 2:16 As a trade foreman, what else do you need to know from your […]
GEORGE ZETTEL 18 Videos Who is George Zettel? 1:27 Have you performed any exercises using the Ohno circle? 3:52 How far along the Lean journey is the construction industry? 1:52 Why is it important that the construction industry embrace Lean principles? 1:23 How do we encourage teams to work together rather than completing agendas? 1:25 […]
ROMANO NICKERSON 27 Videos Who is the architect named Romano Nickerson? 3:14 How did you start getting Lean into your life? 2:31 Isn’t doing things sooner than needed classified as the waste of overproduction? 1:43 What Lean construction project are you proud of and why? 2:58 Why was it smart to charge improvement work to […]